The Living Water School has no formal classes/classrooms (i.e. 1st grade or 2nd grade or 3rd grade, etc.) but with the support of staff, students flow throughout the day learning independently through engagement in various activities and projects all around the school and school property. The only limits that are placed on their learning are the the school rules (established by the students and staff of the school). They are not limited by age level or any person's perception of their ability. If they want to learn it, then we encourage them to go for it!
Ages are mixed because we believe that younger children can learn well from an older peer. We do have small group instruction for reading, math and writing and for those who show an interest in varying subject areas, (i.e. painting, crafts, computers, history, biology, etc.).
There are no formal grades (A, B, C, etc.) unless the student is transferring to a new school or going to college, but parents are welcome to meet with staff to discuss their child's educational experience as often as they wish. Semester summaries are given twice a year for all students, which give an overview of the student's learning experience for the semester.
We also do not have standardized testing, homework assignments, etc., but we do encourage families to read together in the evenings. Our goal is to completely take away those elements of traditional school that conjure up feelings of competition, fear, anxiety, insecurity and inadequacy. Our goal is to facilitate students to freely learn for themselves while they develop into the person that God created them to be.
For those students who would like to enter college, they are free to pursue independent study of the college prep courses. We will provide the materials, tutoring, SAT prep, etc. that the student requires to reach this goal. If a desired college requires a transcript, then we will provide one, but the grades are only based upon if the student actually understands the subject matter. Initially, however we seek to have our students enter college by their own effort, making the case to the college of why they should be admitted. This is done through our semester summaries, the student's entrance essay, SAT scores, and our correspondence with the college. Overall, we will do whatever is needed for the students to enter the college of their choice. For more information on this process please contact us.
All students are a part of a reading, writing and math learning group, where they receive instruction
in these areas one on one or in small groups. They are able to learn about other subject areas (i.e. history and science) through independent study with the support of a staff member. High schoolers who want to enter college work with a staff member to chart their course to taking the classes necessary for a college-ready transcript. Outside of those, most instruction is by student choice. Other classes may include:
*Biblical/Religious studies
*book clubs
*math groups
*sewing/needle work
*foreign language
*creative writing
*art studio
*praise dance
*music (recorder, piano and voice)
*historic research (we do not teach history through lecture and memorization of facts, but students engage in field trips and independent research projects)
*We also allow students to pursue independent study in any area of interest. We will provide the tutors, resources, etc. needed for the student to be successful in their learning process
We place a great deal of responsibility on the student to design their learning path. We have found that ALL students want to learn. They ALL have goals and ambitions. We as adults just have to be patient with them as they seek to discover who God created them to be and then we support that journey.
There are three ways in which students and staff work together to create a harmonious school community:
1. The School Meeting-This is a time once a week where the students and staff meet together to pray, worship, hear a word of inspiration, and to discuss school matters. The school community uses this time to vote in order to make decisions about the daily school program. The School Meeting is planned and run by students
2. The Community Circle-This is a time once a quarter where the entire school community (students, staff, parents, and other supporters) meet together to discuss school matters, vote on various decision and to plan the overall structure of the school. Everyone who attends can vote on the yearly school program. There is a committee made up of staff, students and parents who plan the Community Circle.
3. The Peace Committee-The PC is made up of one staff member and several students. The PC meets once a day in order to address student and staff concerns, discipline issues, etc. They meet with those involved in the concern and vote to make a decision on how the issues should be addresssed. The PC is the heart and soul of the school. This is the equivalent of being sent to the principal's office, but in the true spirit of a democracy, they must meet "before a jury of their peers." The PC helps to keep the order in the school community and it seeks to defend the right of each person in the school community to live in harmony during their educational journey at the Living Water School.
There are three ways in which students and staff work together to create a harmonious school community:
1. The School Meeting-This is a time once a week where the students and staff meet together to pray, worship, hear a word of inspiration, and to discuss school matters. The school community uses this time to vote in order to make decisions about the daily school program. The School Meeting is planned and run by students
2. The Community Circle-This is a time once a quarter where the entire school community (students, staff, parents, and other supporters) meet together to discuss school matters, vote on various decision and to plan the overall structure of the school. Everyone who attends can vote on the yearly school program. There is a committee made up of staff, students and parents who plan the Community Circle.
3. The Peace Committee-The PC is made up of one staff member and several students. The PC meets once a day in order to address student and staff concerns, discipline issues, etc. They meet with those involved in the concern and vote to make a decision on how the issues should be addresssed. The PC is the heart and soul of the school. This is the equivalent of being sent to the principal's office, but in the true spirit of a democracy, they must meet "before a jury of their peers." The PC helps to keep the order in the school community and it seeks to defend the right of each person in the school community to live in harmony during their educational journey at the Living Water School.
The Play Room ( program for ages 4-6)
Inspired by the growth and development of the founder's two youngest children (ages 2 and 4), the Play Room was created in order to give young children the space to learn and grow independently without being tainted by the traditional educational system. When the school first opened, the founder's young children were just 1 and 3. They came to school with her and she hired a certified early childhood teacher to watch over them. The teacher was given the direction to just let them learn freely, while they took part in many aspects of the school. Amazingly, their learning, growth and development took place at a rapid pace. They were sponges. Her two year old is talking in full sentences, showing early signs of phonemic awareness. Her 4 year old taught himself how to write his name and his brother's name. They both began to ask "Why?" a great deal. Her daughter taught herself how to put her shoes on the right foot, how to open her own juice box and so many more independent skills. Her 4 year old asked to be taught to read (as opposed to forcing it upon him). The learning that took place so naturally encouraged her to create a program for young learners, preparing them for being in an independent learning environment when they reach school age. The Play Room is a program where the ages of 4, 5 and 6 are all together in one large open space, learning and growing naturally through play and exploration. All instruction, resources and activities will be inspired by the children's curiosity and interests. After watching the learning that happened in her two youngest children, who are vastly different from each other, the founder is a firm believer in independent learning for all ages, no matter how young they are.
I'm really happy to have found your website! I'm French and with other people we want To start a Christian sudbury school in France! So you are an inspiration for us because we are going To be the first in France! (christian, I mean). Be blessed! !
Thank you for reaching out to us! May God bless you in your journey! Feel free to call me any time at the listed number!
DeleteAnika, Founder